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Kairos Weekend 2018: Kingdom Come

Joanna Whittam - UCO Dublin

I had the opportunity to go to my first Kairos weekend and it was an amazing experience. The prayer times particularly come to my mind when I reflect on the weekend, as I feel that the Holy Spirit was present in ​​a very special way as we worshipped. It didn’t feel forced, it felt very powerful and exciting to be with a large group of other young people trying to know and praise God. The talks were inspiring and I think God really imparted his vision of unity and mission for our region. I’m very grateful for the chance to have gone.

John-Joe Jackson

UCO Glasgow

Coming together with Kairos this February re-convicted me to fight for God’s glory with all that I am. The teachings over the weekend reminded me personally of the solidity of decision that is needed for the Kingdom of God - that there’s no standing unsure in the middle of battle. I have to decide for one side or the other and commit to my choice. The weekend gave me mental space to think, pray and rededicate myself. I want this. I want God’s Kingdom. And I'll fight for it with community surrounding me and our King at the head.

Joanna Whittam

UCO Dublin

This year, I was asked to serve as an MC for the Kairos weekend. When I received the invitation I was a bit uncertain that I was fit to handle the responsibility. But I realised that it was a great opportunity to serve God, to serve the people attending the weekend, to grow in faith and to learn to be more dependent on God. So I took a leap of faith and I trusted God to make me fit for it. I'm glad I accepted because I loved serving especially serving the Lord in way that I hadn't served him before. God showed me how important it is to serve and that when we serve we ought to do this with a loving and joyful heart. By serving with a loving and joyful heart we reflect Jesus' loving personality and experience His love.

This was my second Kairos weekend and I enjoyed and loved it. It's so encouraging to be together with other young people who are on fire for the Lord and have a strong desire to get to know Him better. You get to meet so many great, loving, wise and unique people who encourage, inspire and help you in this journey of getting to know God more. By going to these weekends I realise I'm definitely not alone on this journey to know God and to be formed by His love and grace. The people I have encountered during these weekends, who I can call sincere friends, brothers and sisters, have been a true blessing in my life. If you have this desire to know God more, to understand and experience His love and grace more profoundly, or if you're longing to grow in this desire, then I really recommend going to these weekends.

Jason Rahoens


Kairos Weekend was hosted and organised by Jerusalem VZW on behalf of Kairos EME.

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