Kairos Summer Academy Builds...
Kairos works to identify and disciple new leaders for the Christian church throughout Europe. A key part of our mission is our annual summer academy. In July we gather between 30 and 70 young leaders from across the continent.
Our academy introduces these men and women to the practice of studying the scripture. A bible study course helps our students to read and understand the scripture as it applies to their own lives and gives them the tools to help others to do so also. A pastoral application course focuses on equipping students to share and defend their faith in the broader world. Basic apologetics, the theory and practice of evangelism, aspects of Christian culture and basic Christian morality are among the topics taught.
Just as important as the academic aspect of the academy is the fellowship and social interaction between the leaders that the retreat facilitates. Smaller discipleship groups, times of prayer and seeking God together, games, sports and good fun build friendships across barriers of culture, language and nationality – developing a network of relationships that connect Christians from opposite ends of the continent into a powerful community of University Groups and Young Professionals ready to influence the world for Christ.